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Monday, March 5th, 2007

Latest version of Messenger Plus! for Windows Live Messenger (WLM) Messenger Plus! Live 4.20 has been released on 28th Feb 2007.

Download it from here:

Download Messenger Plus! Live 4.20

Whats new:

  • Various visual adjustments for Windows Vista. Some of them are dependant
    of your system’s configuration and theme settings. This includes, but is not
    limited to:

    • Animation effects when most Messenger Plus! windows open and close.
    • Fixed "black box" display glitch when resizing Messenger Plus!
    • Drop-down lists (combo boxes) in Messenger Plus! windows look
    • Most "open file" and "save file" windows use the new Vista template.
    • No more sluggish transition effects on some of the controls when the
      mouse pointer passes over them.
    • Some windows do not display properly with right-to-left languages.
    • Tabbed chats don’t create an empty area in Flip3D. The chat window
      is not part of the flip sequence but is displayed in the background.
      This may be improved in future releases but it all depends on the
      (rather limited or undocumented) new DWM API of Windows.
  • This version of Messenger Plus! is distributed with some additional
    scripts. Scripts add various new improvements to Messenger and are all
    developed by third parties, people like you and me, who give some of their
    time to help the Messenger community. The installation of scripts can be
    disabled in the setup and future versions of Messenger Plus! won’t
    necessarily be distributed with the same scripts (or any at all for that
    matter). These scripts have been bundled mainly so that a larger portion of
    the Messenger Plus! userbase discovers the benefits of installing scripts.
    The scripts distributed with this version are all available in the script
    database at, along with 250 more :). I hope you’ll all enjoy
    these fine creations!
  • Administrator privileges are not required in Windows Vista anymore when
    importing sound packs and scripts from the Windows shell.
  • Messenger is not launched automatically at the end of the setup of
    Messenger Plus! if the setup is not running in the context of the currently
    logged on user (happens in Vista if the setup is launched from a
    non-administrator user account).
  • Importing sound packs and scripts from the shell in accounts with no
    administrator privileges now works properly in Windows Vista.
  • No more use of virtualized directories in Windows Vista. The necessary
    security rights are set to some of the directories created and accessed by
    Messenger Plus!.
  • Added new feature: text copied in chat windows (in both the received
    messages and typing areas) now includes emoticons
    codes instead of white spaces.
  • Preferences pack files now have an associated icon and can be imported
    from the shell.
  • Added Hebrew language to the main distribution package.
  • The (!VER) tag now reports the edition of Windows Vista.
  • The Control key needs to be pressed when deleting a contact in the
    Contact List Clean-up window to block it as well.
  • No more "Error 8005" when the setup of Messenger Plus! is launched on a
    system with some font problems.
  • Chat logging is disabled by default in guest accounts.
  • The Contact Information window now displays the personal message as
    well. Also, the display picture has been fixed when using a right-to-left
    language in Messenger Plus!.
  • A new icon has been added in the contact list and the chat windows to access the scripts’
  • The way the task bar flashes when a new message is received in a tabbed
    chat has been improved to avoid missing unseen messages. This feature has
    also been fixed for Windows Vista.
  • Added a diagnostic message in the setup to download and repair the MSXML
    3 library from This helps fix "Error 8008".
  • The setup has better chances to succeed if Messenger is running in
    different user sessions when installation occurs.
  • Fixed: the tabbed chats bar may display no name or status for newly
    created chat windows.
  • Fixed: using the /psm command with IRC format codes can corrupt
    Messenger’s Contact cache and prevent users to sign back-in.
  • Fixed: encrypted log files located in a read-only folder cannot be
    decrypted by the Log Viewer (known limitation: pictures aren’t displayed in
    html log files when that’s the case).
  • Fixed: some Messenger Plus! menus have a bad internal looking extra
  • Fixed: (!M) tag doesn’t display the proper email for Yahoo contacts.
  • Fixed: the chat history window can become a little bit messed-up when
    sending several emoticons that half transform into bbcode in the same
  • Fixed: when in Messenger Lock mode, the Messenger icon in the systray is
    reverted back to normal if explorer.exe crashes and the systray bar is
  • Fixed: the Log Viewer doesn’t display folders that only contains
  • Fixed: Messenger Plus! displays "yahoo:" in front of Yahoo contact’s
  • Fixed: "In a call" status is not considered to be "Busy" by some of the
    features of Messenger Plus! (like playing sounds).
  • Fixed: floating desktop contacts of yourself do not work properly.
  • Fixed: the scripting documentation cannot be downloaded from the editor
    window in Windows Vista.
  • Fixed: can’t import scripts when the full path to the scripts directory
    is not readable by the current user.
  • Scripts: fixed Contacts::GetContact() and Messenger::OpenChat() for contacts that are connected on
    the Yahoo network.
  • Scripts: OnEvent_ContactSignout is never called anymore after
  • Scripts: OnEvent_Uninitialize is always properly sent when Windows is
    restarted while Messenger is still running.
  • Scripts: Added a <Version> element in ScriptInfo to help developers
    specify the version of their scripts. This will prevent duplicated copies of
    the same script from being installed on a user’s system (as the name of the
    script is used to create the corresponding script’s directory). This tag is
    displayed in the import and preferences window.
  • Scripts: OnWindowidEvent_LstViewClicked events are now sent when the
    user clicks in an empty part of the control. In that case, ItemIdx is -1.
  • Scripts: added OnWindowidEvent_LstViewSelStateChanged event for ListView
    controls. This even is fired every time an item is selected or unselected.
  • Scripts: the documentation has been updated in several places. Please
    make sure you get the latest version! (and as a general rule, try to
    remember to check for documentation updates every month or so. The
    documentation can be updated/improved even when Messenger Plus! itself
  • Scripts: added MsgPlus::UILangCode property to get the code of the
    language currently displayed by Messenger Plus!.
  • Scripts: added ChatWnd::HistoryText_GetCurSelStart and ChatWnd::HistoryText_GetCurSelEnd
    to get the current selection in the message history area (where messages are
  • Scripts: added ChatWnd::HistoryText_GetTextRange to get a portion of
    text from the message history area.
  • Scripts: added MsgPlus::DownloadFile function and the corresponding
    OnEvent_DownloadFileComplete event to allow scripts to download files

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