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RAB: Inside The Death Squad – DW Documentary

Tuesday, April 4th, 2023

RAB: Inside The Death Squad - How the elite police force RAB terrorizes the people of Bangladesh. A DW Documentary RAB: Inside The Death Squad - How the elite police force RAB terrorizes the people of Bangladesh. A DW Documentary Unable to watch on YouTube? Download it: (read more)

security vulnerability in WordPress

Wednesday, June 1st, 2005

From Werdpress DevBlog It has come to our attention that under certain circumstances there is a security vulnerability in WordPress that may be triggered if you’re running the default template. We were able to respond very quickly (under 40 minutes) and update the download to You can upgrade by overwriting ... (read more)

Personalize your Google homepage

Saturday, May 21st, 2005

Google is GOING TO offer personalization on their home page soon ( like My Yahoo, My MSN ) have a look at it while its under development. u can sign-in using a Google account ( a Gmail account will work too ) (read more)

WordPress vhost plugin

Monday, April 25th, 2005

found a gret werdpress plugin The vhost plugin binds a WordPress category to a virtual host on your webserver, either a sub-domain or a seperate fully-qualified domain. You can have as many such bindings as you have vhosts: just make a new category for each one. Each vhost+category pair can use ... (read more)

Google cache – missing for 7th April

Friday, April 8th, 2005

checked my sites hosted across multiple network, checked pr6 news sites, checked yahoo, cnn .... same result. the last cache snap is of 6th april. i monitor caches for my sites regularly. and by this time, Google was to be show cache of 7th april. sounds like a day missing from Google. UPDATE: 7th ... (read more)

MSN Messenger Dynamic Display Picture

Friday, April 8th, 2005

From Eager to create a Dynamic Display Picture but short on dough? Then we got an MSN Messenger 7 freebie for you! Just follow these instructions: 1) Sign into MSN Messenger 7 (duh!). 2) Go to Actions > Get More From Messenger. 3) Click Dynamic Display Pictures and select BlueMountain Display Pictures. 4) Click ... (read more)

beta seal gets officially stripped off MSN Messenger and MSN Spaces

Friday, April 8th, 2005

beta seal gets officially stripped off MSN Messenger and MSN Spaces - (read more)

MSN Messenger 7 Final

Thursday, April 7th, 2005

Get MSN Messenger 7 Final: (read more)

MSN Messenger Update

Friday, March 18th, 2005

New in MSN Messenger - Public Beta: Public beta has been uptared from 0425 to 0429 Download- NOTE: this version is older then LEAKED 0632 Leaked Beta: 7.0.0632 Download - Mess Patch: Famous Mess Patch for 0632 Download - MSN Plus: Messenger Plus! 3.50 released. (Final Version) Download - its completely MSN Messenger 7 compatible (read more)

Google BL Dance

Tuesday, March 8th, 2005

Google BL (Back Links) is dancing frequently. Results are switching back n forth. Same for all my sites. ex. had 4 BLs. then with the "new" update it was 1960. then again it started to show up the "old" 4BL result bak... n then again "new" .. again "old" (read more)

Google – word varification in submit url page

Saturday, March 5th, 2005

Google now added a word varification in the url submitter page. Surely to prevent automated submitters as stated. Nothng to be worried for me. I never used an automated submitter or tried to abuse it in any other way. So its all good to me. The only thing is... why didnt Google ... (read more)

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